Welcome to Rev. Sydney.com and God 3.0! This is a place for inspiration, renewal, acceptance, and spiritual growth.
I am a minister with Centers for Spiritual Living. I am also an inspirational speaker, officiant, spiritual life coach and badass jazz pianist!
Whether you are needing a spiritual coach, a keynote speaker, a workshop facilitator or someone to perform your wedding or other life celebration, I would love to connect with you.


#BeInspired #ReadyToWork #LiveOutLoud

Spiritual Counseling, Coaching, Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Interfaith Celebrations, Naming, Christening and Dedication Ceremonies, Memorials, Celebrations of Life, and Concerts.

Spiritual Counseling, Coaching, Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies, Interfaith Celebrations, Naming, Christening and Dedication Ceremonies, Memorials, Celebrations of Life, and Concerts.

This is me:


I’m a minister and teacher. I am an inspirational speaker. I love to collaborate with others to create special services, events, and sacred celebrations. I conduct workshops and classes focused on spiritual growth, creative living, and abundance. As a coach and spiritual counselor, I will affirm you, and I will help you reveal your own power, magnificence, passion, and possibility!

Your dreams are waiting for you to come true!

M.A. Spiritual Studies


Ordained as a Minister of Religious Science


Ordained as a Minister of Interfaith Traditions


Associate Minister, Unity of Portland

2017 -2020

Professional Musician

1985 - current


2000 - current

Spiritual Coach

2000 - current

Inspirational Speaker

Concert Artist


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One of, One with, One as

I believe that every being is a beloved and divine expression of God. Wherever you are on the gender spectrum, cultural spectrum, religious spectrum, race spectrum, or age spectrum, YOU are a magnificent and beloved reflection of the GOD spectrum.

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“Sydney brings a vitality and joy to her speaking and her music. Her sense of delight and humor lift everyone in the room!”

We are here to fully embrace and celebrate who we are: unique and dazzling God-beings.

My Mission:

I am here to remember, to know and to practice living from the highest Truth about myself and all humanity: GOD IS ALL THERE IS, and ALL WE ARE IS GOD.